History of St. Paul’s UCC


St. Paul’s United Church of Christ is a 140-year-old congregation with roots in the German Evangelical tradition — a union of Lutheran and Reformed Protestants dating back to the 16th century. St. Paul’s UCC had two previous buildings in downtown Saint Paul before moving to our current location on Summit Avenue. in the 1950s, German Reformed churches like St. Paul’s joined in a merger of denominations in the United States to form the United Church of Christ. Partly because of this bold move, the UCC has become known for its ability to be responsive and adaptive to issues of justice in the public sphere and was the first Protestant denomination in the United States to be fully inclusive of those who identify as LGBTQIA.

Temperance Street
1879 - 1883

11th & Minnesota Streets
1883 - 1915

St. Peter & Tilton
1915 - 1952

900 Summit Avenue
1952 - Present

Christ before us. Christ beside us. Christ behind us. Christ within us.


St. Paul's United Church of Christ is graced with a wonderful series of stained-glass windows circling our sanctuary.

The artist was Mr. Conrad Pickel. The windows were designed, created, and installed during the construction of our present building in 1950.