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“This Week at SPUCC” Email

Another Wonderful Weekend at Church Camp!


It was another wonderful weekend with 48 campers (2 of which were day campers) in attendance. The best part of camp is all of the people gathered. Last Sunday, I was talking to two folks that had attended camp. I asked them if they knew one another. They looked at me and said, "Yes! We were both at camp!". One of them then said, "it's like we've known each other for a year after just a weekend of church camp." We created a little church family on the first weekend of August. We shared stories and learned about each other's interests. We even had a child created impromptu talent show because the campfire got rained out. Every time Sunday rolls around, and camp ends, I get a little bit sad. I'm already excited for next year. Will you join us? - Rev. Eli'jah

Give a Warm SPUCC Welcome to Parker Barrette!


We welcome Parker Barrette to the St. Paul's UCC Community! Parker will begin as Organist and Accompanist, Sunday, September 1, 2024. Parker Barrette comes to SPUCC from Lisle, Illinois. He has been involved in church music since he was young, and started filling in at his local church when he was just 10 years old. Parker studied organ at St. Olaf College with Dr. Catherine Rodland, and graduated Magna Cum Laude this past May with a Bachelor of Music in Instrumental Music Education. He begins student teaching this fall. Parker has worked as a chapel organist at St. Olaf, and has also played at Gol Lutheran Church in Kenyon, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville, and Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Excelsior. In addition to playing the organ, Parker has been a pianist since the age of six, collaborating with choirs and various soloists from the time he was in high school. Outside of music, Parker is a self-confessed huge nerd, and is a fan of How To Train Your Dragon, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Minecraft. If you have any food recommendations in the Twin Cities Metro, please let him know!

School Tools Drive

Donations due Monday, August 19th

The School Tools Drive is an easy way to join together with area faith communities and organizations to help children in our community who are affected by poverty. Each year, we collect new backpacks and school essentials to benefit children from families with low-income who are served through nine different programs in Greater Saint Paul. Annually faith communities, businesses, and individuals collect more than $24,000 of school supplies to fill hundreds of backpacks! St. Paul's UCC is the host site once again this year!

Learn more here: https://interfaithaction.org/portfolio-item/school-tools-drive/

Geoff Olson Retirement


After almost forty years on staff at St. Paul's United Church of Christ, our organist, Geoffrey Olson, has decided to retire.
It's hard to think of St. Paul's UCC without Geoff's magnificent musicianship leading us through worship. His skill at the organ brings life to our vast sanctuary, and transports our hearts to the spiritual realm. He is a tremendous performer, but has also ably accompanied the choir on piano, brought joy to rehearsals, and supported our vocal instrumentalists. Geoff has given innumerable hours and resources toward organ maintenance, which is a big job with an old and complex instrument. He has also been a cheerful staff member and friend to so many. I know we will all miss what he brings to our liturgical life, but don't worry, he will continue to be around St. Paul's UCC as a regular worshipper!

We aren't yet sure of Geoff's last day with us, as he plans to stay until we find someone new. What we do know is that we will need to celebrate him in a BIG WAY! To that end, if you have any photographs of Geoff throughout the years, please send them along to Jennifer@spucconsummit.org, or bring them to church. As plans unfold, we will keep you informed of a potential end date, as well as opportunities to honor Geoff's music ministry.

The Ministry Board and Choir are aware of Geoff's retirement, and have been very supportive. The Personnel Committee has appointed a small search committee to find our next Organist & Accompanist -- Mary Carbello, Bob Galkiewcisz, Heather Christianson, Beth Horsager, Judith Melander, and me. We will post the position, and hope to start interviewing candidates by the end of July.

It is sad to see the end of an era, but in the spirit of our faith we trust that something new will emerge, and someone new will be called to this wonderful community.

Please let Rev. Sarah or Rick Panning, our Moderator, know if you have any questions.

Summer Book Club

9:00 am | See Dates Below | Taking Place of Words on the Word for 3 Sundays

The Earthwise Creation Justice Committee is hosting a summer book club to read novels that address climate change, meaning, and the power of community. Please check the books out at your local library, or try purchasing a copy from your neighborhood book store. We'll read one book each month and then discuss them after worship in the Fireside Room. Email Sarah if you want to participate, sarahbrouwer@spucconsummit.org.

Join us on June 23 to discuss The Light Pirate, a novel by Lily Brooks-Dalton
Join us on July 21 to discuss The Parable of the Sower, a novel by Octavia Butler
Join us on August 25 to discuss The Seed Keeper, a novel by Diane Wilson

Celebrating Juneteenth

Sunday, June 16 | after worship, during Friendship Hour
We observe this day to commemorate June 19th, 1865, the day that Union Army Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, and told enslaved people of their emancipation. As Christians, we observe this day as a reminder to continue to work for freedom, still, because our faith propels us 159 years later. After worship we will celebrate with a red themed potluck during Friendship Hour. According to food historian Michael Twitty, the tradition of eating red foods likely came from the enslaved Yoruba and Kongo people brought to Texas in the 19th century. The color red can represent power, sacrifice, and transformation in both of those cultures.

Wednesday, June 19 | 5:00 pm
We have been invited by the good folks at Clark Grace UCC in South St. Paul to attend their Juneteenth celebration. If you'd like to go, let Rev. Sarah Brouwer know and we can get a group together. They require a reservation so please let Rev. Sarah know asap at sarahbrouwer@spucconsummit.org.

Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage

Saturday, March 23rd, 2024
This Saturday, March 23rd, the day before Palm Sunday, UCC Congregations and others will join together to walk/roll along the shores of the Mississippi River as part of a global pilgrimage calling for a permanent ceasefire, release of hostages and political prisoners, life-saving aid, and a just peace in Israel/Palestine. One of the lead sponsors of the larger Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage movement taking place during Lent is Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), supported by the United Church of Christ. Funds raised by this local pilgrimage will benefit CMEP's ongoing advocacy efforts to support just peace in the Middle East, and particularly in Israel/Palestine.

The total distance of the Twin Cities pilgrimage is approximately 22 miles (Brooklyn Park to Fort Snelling), the distance Palestinians traveled while fleeing from Gaza City to Rafah at the start of the war. We (and Mayflower Church) will start at Faith Mennonite Church in the Seward Neighborhood of Minneapolis at 1:30pm. We’ll continue to 176 N Mississippi Blvd, and then onward to Minnehaha Falls. See the full route, schedule, and sign up at https://www.peacecatalyst.org/gcpilgrimage-davis

Taking Heart for Ramadan

Tuesday, March 26, 6:30 pm | Assalam Mosque in Maplewood
Get to know your Muslim neighbors! For 19 years, we have helped Minnesota Christians and others get to know their Muslim neighbors through a partnership with the Muslim American Society: Taking Heart Ramadan Iftars. At Taking Heart Ramadan Iftars Muslims and non-Muslims in Minnesota come together for food and conversation. In 2023 over 1000 community members participated in Taking Heart during Ramadan, the month on the Islamic lunar calendar during which Muslims abstain from food and drink from sunup to sundown. Sign up to observe the prayer, share a meal, and make new friends. We bring more light into the world when we get to know each other better. Click here to sign up for the Iftar dinner on the 26th in Maplewood.

Save the Date for Church Camp!

August 2, 3, 4 | Registration Link Arriving in April
You are cordially invited to save the date for Church Camp at Camp Onomia on August 2-4. Camp Onomia is a beautiful retreat center in Onamia, MN with incredible lake views and plenty of space to explore and enjoy nature. It's also a time to conect with other friends of the SPUCC community with plenty of time to build new friendships and continue to nurture exiting ones. Camp is also a very family oriented time for children and youth to make friends with their peers and to have plenty of intergenerational interaction. A registration link will be available in April. 

Volunteer Opportunities from Interfaith Action

Department of Indian Work
We are in need of at least 2-3 volunteers 1x per month on every fourth Friday (the first one being Friday, March 1st) from 10am-1pm (or so) to help with our Elders Lodge delivery orders. The volunteers would shop already completed order forms and bag them up, label them and get them ready for delivery. If you're interested, please reach out to Emergency Services Manager Theresa Halvorson-Lee at 651-789-3864 or Thalvorson-lee@interfaithaction.org . We are collecting food items to keep our pantry stocked! The most needed items right now are: cereals, cooking and baking items, side dish items and snacks, and gluten-free, low-sodium, or organic items. You can drop off donations during food shelf hours which you can find here on our website.

Project Home
We are still collecting winter gear for families at Project Home through our Adopt-a-Family program. Please click HERE for more information and to sign up to provide winter gear for families. 

Faithful Hospitality (NEW!)
At the end of this month, Interfaith Action will launch Faithful Hospitality, an initiative to provide mobile shelter to help Hennepin County shelters deal with an overflow of families experiencing homelessness. We are looking for overnight shelter host volunteers to provide warmth and hospitality to guests. Overnight hosts are on duty 7pm-7am weekdays and 7pm-8am weekends. Please reference the attached volunteer flyer and volunteer position description for more information. Details can be found here on our website. Ready to sign up? Please fill out our volunteer form HERE.

School Tools Drive

Donations Due Monday, August 14th
The School Tools Drive is an easy way to join together with area faith communities and organizations to help children in our community who are affected by poverty. Each year, we collect new backpacks and school essentials to benefit children from families with low-income who are served through nine different programs in Greater Saint Paul. Annually faith communities, businesses, and individuals collect more than $24,000 of school supplies to fill hundreds backpacks! St. Paul's UCC is the host site once again this year!

SUPPLIES NEEDED Backpacks, 3-ring binders, loose-leaf paper and folders, Calculators, Spiral and composition notebooks, Pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils, crayons, erasers, highlighters, pencil sharpeners, Glue sticks & bottles, Scissors & rulers, Facial tissue, School boxes, Hand sanitizer, Reusable masks

Place your donations in the Narthex by the School Tools Drive Sign - you have until August 14th! Monetary donations are used to purchase needed supplies not collected at the drive. Click here to donate online. Make sure to choose the "School Tools Drive" fund in our giving page drop down menu.  

St. Paul’s UCC Drop-Site for HAFA CSA again this Year

St. Paul’s UCC will serve as a CSA (community supported agriculture) drop-site again this year. As with last year, we will be a drop-site for the Hmong American Farm Association (HAFA) CSA. You can learn more about them and sign up at https://www.hmongfarmers.com/csa. Don’t delay: the official deadline for the spring season is May 1, with first pick-up, May 17. Our drop-site location may fill before that, so be sure to sign up soon to ensure you can get weekly boxes of great produce delivered every Wednesday. HAFA offers vegetable boxes – as full or half shares – for 3 “seasons”: spring (4 weeks), summer (12 weeks), and fall (6 weeks). You can sign up for any of these seasons right now. Note: a HAFA representative explained that during the summer a “half” share is about 2/3 of a full share, and during the fall season a “half” share is about 3/4 of a full share. A flower share is also offered in the summer and fall seasons.

Those who have used HAFA in the past have felt that the produce is outstanding! If you have questions, please contact Laura Michelson, who will serve as a drop site coordinator this year, at 651-343-3649 or lmichelson8402@msn.com.

Pack the Pews! March is MN Foodshare Month

This March St. Paul’s UCC and St. Paul’s Childhood Center are partnering to collect food and funds for the Department of Indian Work Emergency Food Shelf at Interfaith Action. This food drive is part of the MN FoodShare March Campaign, which brings together organizations, businesses, faith communities, and individuals to help stock and support the capacity of nearly 300 food shelves.

Food donations can be left in the back pews of the sanctuary March 5-26 as we “Pack the Pews” with our extravagant generosity. Checks can be mailed to the church office by March 26 with “MN Food Share” in the memo line or donate online using the "MN Food Share" in the fund dropdown.  

Honoring Music for Black History Month

Many of the beloved spirituals that we sing in worship were never credited to their creators. Over time, the names of the enslaved people who created these songs have been lost, and their music claimed by other individuals or declared to be public domain. To honor these musical creators, who were kept as chattel slavery, and to offer a measure of reparation to their descendants, Saint Paul's UCC will be making a donation to a local non-profit organization whose mission is to offer holistic transformation for young African-American men experiencing inequity at the intersection of race and poverty. 

Summit Avenue Artisan Festival

The halls were fulled with cheer Saturday, December 3rd. We enjoyed our 13th annual Summit Avenue Artisan Festival. We had over 600 attendees, 40 vendors, crafts for children, Santa and smiling faces through and through. Throughout the event we heard that this was such a happy and welcoming place. Thank you vendors for being a part of our special day. Thank you staff and volunteers that worked tirelessly to confirm vendors, volunteers and silent auction items. It was a wonderful fun-filled festive event!

Over 75 people in attendance at our Thanks for Giving Lunch!

Thanks for Giving!

On Sunday, November 13th, we celebrated with a special postlude, and a "Thanks For Giving" Lunch, hosted by the Stewardship Committee. If you were unable to make it click here to view the service online. We celebrated after worship with a Thanks for Giving lunch in honor of all those that submitted a 2023 Pledge. Click here to learn more about our 2023 Shared Giving, Extravagant Welcome Campaign.

Notice Nature Project


God's beautiful creation surrounds us! Connecting to nature brings us closer to God. Sharing our connections with each other reminds us of the richness and diversity of creation, deepening our connections to one another. You are invited to share your connection to nature through any way you choose:  words, photos, fabric, music, objects etc.  For more instructions and ideas, pick up a handout from an usher or the Notice Nature Collection Basket in the Narthex. Add your name to your work and place it in the Collection Basket or email it to Tracie Olson Payne at tapayne58@gmail.com. Your submission gives SPUCC permission to use the image or written piece in digital and/or printed publications (perhaps a nature book). A compilation of entries can be found here. 

Introducing Azure Anderson! 

Azure will be leading the alto section in the Sanctuary Choir while Stephanie Litz, who is expecting her first child in December, is out on parental leave. In addition to singing with the SPUCC Sanctuary choir, Azure is a member of the VocalEssence Chorus. She is also an artist in her spare time, creating digital pieces for her husband Satish’s fantasy novels, as well as book binding and drawing. She lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two cats, Mouse and Myles.

Juneteenth Celebration

Sunday, June 19th, we will celebrate Juneteenth, which is now a Federal Holiday. Last year, President Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, making it the first new federal holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was added in 1983. Juneteenth is also known as Freedom Day or Jubilee Day, gaining more awareness among white communities in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, and George Floyd's murder in 2020. June 19, 1865 was the date the last slaves were freed in Galveston, Texas -- it took soldiers over two months to reach them after the Civil War ended on April 9, 1865.

While we should acknowledge that we are late in coming to the table, and understanding this history, we also should not avoid engagement because of our discomfort. We will carefully honor what this day means for our black siblings, and name our own privilege in previously being ignorant to its importance in our nation's history. Juneteenth is a joyful and sacred day that celebrates the full humanity, freedom, wisdom, spirituality, and experience of black people in America. It is worthy of our time and attention this Sunday!

-Rev. Sarah Brouwer, Lead Minister

Remembering for Change

Today, May 25, 2022 is the two year anniversary of George Floyd's murder. I spent two hours yesterday, along with Amber Dallman, on a meeting about public safety for the Building the Beloved Community Public Safety Project through Interfaith Action. We were all reminded of this important work that is slow, but inching toward more justice. I hope you can find a way to remember today, whether through prayer or action.

And, as we remember this, we think of the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas that happened just yesterday. Nineteen children and two teachers are dead, and this comes after a slew of other shootings in the last week and a half. Let's join the deepest part of our hearts together to hold that community close in God's embrace. They will surely need it. Kyrie Eleison (“Lord, have mercy”).

To you, God's people, the peace that passes all understanding,
Rev. Sarah Brouwer
Lead Minister, St. Paul's United Church of Christ

Church Camp

Come away with us to Camp Onomia in Onamia, MN (just 90 miles north of St. Paul) August 12-14. Click here to register! Members and friends of our congregation are all welcome to participate in our annual Church Camp Weekend. We'll enjoy faith formation, lakefront recreation, and community meals in a relaxed setting. Recreational activities include walking trails and sports equipment. This fun weekend together will be a wonderful opportunity to deepen our connections with each other and to celebrate being together! We will stay in a lodge with private bedrooms with bunks that have a double bed on the lower level. There is a private bathroom with shower in each room. Meals will be provided. We will arrive at 7pm on Friday and depart by 11:00am on Sunday. Registration along with full payment is due July 11. If costs are prohibitive, please request a scholarship form from our Reinecke/Salstrom Endowment for Faith Formation.

Contact Lori Peiffer (loripeiffer@comcast.net) with any questions.

SPUCC Work Day

Several members and friends of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ showed up for our SPUCC Work Day. We did a lot of work outside, clearing pounds of rocks from our front walkway and beyond. Thank you to all of you that gave your time, hands and hearts!

CSA Sign up!

We've filled ALL 18 of our spots for the spring CSA season! Those first boxes of fresh spring veggies will be delivered on May 18. But there's still time (and still 6 open spots!) to sign up for a summer CSA with HAFA – deadline May 27. Click here to learn more about HAFA and sign up. Fresh veggies from farm to church: it's like the answer to your prayers. Go ahead, say Amen! 

Click here to be directed to the Earthwise-Creation Justice page

Building the Beloved Community Public Safety Project

Please join us after worship on May 15 for the second in our series of discussions regarding public safety. We will collect your feedback and provide it to interfaith Action, along with the other congregations participating.

We know that people of faith are compelled to seek justice. Interfaith Action is inviting interfaith leaders to a series of compelling conversations about creating a better system of public safety and policing in Minnesota. St. Paul's Ministry of Social Justice and Outreach is participating.

Together with Minnesota Commissioner of Public Safety John Harrington and several state public safety leaders, Amber Dallman and Sarah Brouwer will be walking through real-life scenarios that police officers face on the job. We will ask ourselves questions like: what do we want our public safety officers to do in these situations?

Then, after Friendship Hour, March 20th, Amber and Sarah shared their experience gathering with other leaders and clergy from around the metro, and offered attendees a chance to give feedback on some of the same scenarios and questions. Woven was a brief text study to help guide us. We will do this several times in 2022, and the responses we generate will help our state collect data on what people of faith are thinking about public safety.

We strongly urge you to attend! And you do not need to RSVP. This is a way we can make a tangible difference, using our faith. If you aren't able to make it in person you can also join by zoom.

Deep peace,

Sarah Brouwer and Amber Dallman
Ministry of Social Justice and Outreach

March is Food Share Month

Did you know March was Food Share Month? We along with the St. Paul’s Childhood Center supported Interfaith Action and the Department of Indian Work Food Shelf by putting grocery bags in the pews! We filled multiple pews and delivered them to at the end of March.

Lenten Reflections

Click here to read thoughtful Lenten Reflections from SPUCC members.

Journey of Faith

We have enjoyed a series of presentations that helped us understand our church’s tagline “journeying together to deepen our faith, seek justice for all, and share God’s unconditional love with the world”.

Click here to learn more about Adult Faith Formation offerings.

Together Again Mosaic

This one-of-a-kind mosaic was created by our very own SPUCC Children. A special thank you to Tracie Olson Payne for guiding them and putting it together.

CROP Hunger Walk

SPUCC members and friends participated in the CROP Hunger Walk Sunday, October 10. We helped raise awareness and funds for hunger relief around the world and here in Saint Paul.


Holy Presence in the Chapel

A progressive Catholic congregation led by Rev. Colleen Woodley and Rev. Joan Flood has begun worshiping in our chapel. You can read about Holy Presence Catholic Community here

Emerging Together

Thank you to all who have given to SPUCC’s Emerging Together Campaign! There still is time to give towards the 2022 Emerging Together Stewardship Campaign. You can bring your pledge card to church, mail it in, or submit an electronic pledge below. Additional pledge cards available in the narthex.

Sunday Worship COVID-19 Protocols


You don’t need to call ahead to let us know you’re coming, but we still abide by these protocols for health safety:

  • Because our sanctuary seats over 1000 people, we safely spread out with the help of ushers.

  • All worshipers age 3 and older are required to mask, particularly for singing.

  • Please remain masked (preferably with a high-quality mask) at all times in the building. If you have any symptoms of sickness please do not come to worship or meetings.

Worship With Us


We’re back to worshiping in person at 10:30 am. Our sanctuary seats 1100 people so we can adequately spread out and stay safe. We also offer our worship via livestream on Sunday mornings at 9:30. Join us at that time by clicking here.

Solar Panels Churning Out Electricity


Our solar panels are hard at work year-round, turning sunlight into electricity. Click here to see how they're doing!

Walk Through
Our Rain Gardens


Gardens need rest, too, but you can still see our Rain Gardens Gazette here. And for more information, click here.